Coworking for Introverts & Extroverts in Lahore

Is the shared workspace really only suitable for extroverts who like to meet new people? 

Avoid socializing introverts in the same workspace? In short: the answers to these questions are no. However, there are large differences between introverts, extroverts, and introverts, as shown by the Global Collaborative Study. This article explains in more detail how it is different.
There are many personality types that work in collaborative spaces but may not be in the same distribution as in society. At the Global Coworking Survey, we roughly compare the personalities of members in three different groups in how they respond to their normal environment. Members can choose to be classified as "extroverts", "introverts", or a mixture of both.

Independent analysis of the 2018 Global Coworking Survey was supported by Essensys, Nexudus & WUN Systems. Download the free report here.

Shared office

All three personality types are seen in shared work spaces in Lahore, some more than others. Almost every member described it as a mixture (ambitious). About 1 in 3 members consider themselves "extroverts" and 1 in 5 are "introverts". About 2% of those asked said: "I don't know".

Women tend to choose the type of pole.

The proportion of extroverts among women is almost as high as the total number of women with mixed personalities. Men are usually positioned in the middle. However, there are more extroverts than introverted male members who work in shared workspaces.

Interesting results can be seen when comparing members based on their professional status.
For freelancers around 40% are evenly represented in all personality types. Employers who manage employees have an above-average proportion of extroverts. A significantly higher proportion of employees was seen mainly in the introvert category. However, to avoid stereotyping, there are also a large number of introverted entrepreneurs and extroverted employees in the public workspace. The proportion of casual workers in the ambitious category increased slightly. Other groups such as students and job seekers are also more visible in statistics. Click Here to learn more about coworking spaces